Journal of BIMP-EAGA Regional Development
<div> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal main goal is to provide platform for knowledge dissemination on regional development issues in the BIMP-EAGA (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area) region. It provides a forum for researchers in various areas and fields of expertise to publish their research findings, research report, reviews and any outcome related to the BIMP-EAGA regions from academic discourse avenues such as conferences, seminars and workshops especially those organised by Borneo Tourism Research Center (BTRC), Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The journal aims to be the leading data bank and point of reference that enrich the publications for the BIMP-EAGA region and published by Borneo Tourism Research Center (BTRC), Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The paper accepted in this journal will be publish <strong>online first</strong> in the current issue. <br /><br />ISSN: 2232-1055</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal is currently indexed in <a href="">MyJurnal</a>, <a href="">i-journal</a> and <a href="">i-Focus</a>. </p> </div>Universiti Malaysia Sabahen-USJournal of BIMP-EAGA Regional Development2232-1055Enhancing Rice Supply Chain Management in the Philippines: A Strategic approach for Sustainable Food Security
<p>Rice plays a multifaceted role in the lives of Filipinos, encompassing nutritional, economic, cultural, and<br>social dimensions. The Philippines has a lot of obstacles to overcome in order to maintain food security<br>and sustainability in the rice industry. There are notable post-harvest losses within the rice supply<br>chain as seen by the 60% to 65% conversion rate of paddy rice to milled rice. Post-harvest losses<br>occur between harvest and the moment of human consumption. They include on-farm losses, such as<br>when grain is threshed, winnowed, and dried, as well as losses along the chain during transportation,<br>storage, and processing. Postharvest procedures lose or squander about one-third of the rice produced.<br>Storage losses of rice are playing a vital role in postharvest losses. A safe storage system of Food grain<br>plays a vital role for ensuring food security especially for the people who are fully dependent on<br>cultivation. Reducing postharvest losses in rice could be a sustainable way to boost food supply, ease<br>the strain on natural resources, end hunger, and enhance farmers' livelihoods—especially in developing<br>nations. Its importance extends beyond mere sustenance, shaping dietary habits, livelihoods, and<br>social interactions across the country. Given its status as a staple food, ensuring a stable and sufficient<br>supply of rice is critical for food security in the Philippines. Rice grains are produced seasonally, but<br>their consumption is constant throughout the year. Hence storage of rice becomes necessary. Any<br>disruptions in rice production or distribution can have significant impacts on the population's well-being.<br>International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Training Manual mentioned that the conversion rate in the<br>Philippines from Paddy (Palay) to milled rice is only sixty percent (60%). Post-harvest losses can occur<br>at various stages along the rice supply chain, leading to reduced efficiency and economic losses.<br>Inadequate post-harvest handling and storage facilities can result in significant losses of rice due to<br>spoilage, pests, and mold. Poor infrastructure and lack of access to modern storage technologies<br>contribute to this problem. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that<br>involves collaboration among stakeholders, investment in infrastructure and technology, adoption of<br>sustainable eco-friendly best practices in post-harvest management, implementation of quality control<br>measures, and promotion of transparency and information sharing across the supply chain. Additionally,<br>strategies to build resilience to environmental and climate risks are essential for ensuring the long-term<br>sustainability of the rice supply chain. Some level of wastage and spoilage is inevitable in any supply<br>chain. Factors such as improper handling, contamination, and deterioration over time can contribute to<br>losses, especially if not properly managed and mitigated. Achieving food security and sustainability of<br>rice in the Philippines requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses various challenges across the<br>rice supply chain. Upgrade post-harvest infrastructure, including storage facilities, drying facilities, and<br>processing mills, to reduce losses and maintain grain quality. Provide training and support to farmers<br>on proper post-harvest handling techniques to minimize spoilage and wastage. Encourage the adoption of sustainable farming practices, such as integrated pest management, water-efficient irrigation<br>techniques, and soil conservation measures, to protect natural resources and minimize environmental<br>impact. Support agroecological approaches that promote biodiversity, reduce chemical inputs, and<br>enhance resilience to climate change. Promote the establishment of farmers' cooperatives and<br>collective marketing initiatives.</p>Allan F. GalvezHeart Amanah D. Telic
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2024-12-292024-12-29101The Relationship Between Career Advancement On Job Performance Among Women In Sabah
<p>The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between career advancement and job performance among women, as<br>well as to examine the relationship of mediating education on both dependent and independent variables. The review of<br>literature indicates that the efforts of women involved in employment have continued to face challenges in career<br>advancement (work-life balance, family responsibilities, and fear of success) and job performance. These barriers can be<br>complex, including limitations on the effect of an education. A quantitative research design is conducted throughout a<br>questionnaire which is formulated from the primary data collection. A total of 40 female employees filled a questionnaire<br>given in Sabah. Meanwhile, the analysis method used was Smart-PLS version 4 structural equation modeling technique,<br>which is the regression and descriptive methods. The findings of this research believes women due have barriers on career<br>advancement which has affected their job performance, while education proven causes employee career advancement and they<br>believe it has achieved the standard of job performance within the organization. Therefore, this study contributes an important<br>insight into the challenges faced by women in Sabah, expanding the importance of education, and unlocking the potential of<br>women-led employment.</p>Nur Faizrah GanieBorhan AbdullahRoslinah Mahmud
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2024-12-292024-12-29101Exploring the impact of coaching on employee performance and organization effectiveness: A conceptual study
<p>In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, shifting demographics, and evolving citizen expectations,<br>government agencies must adapt, innovate, and deliver services efficiently and effectively. In this context, coaching emerges<br>as a powerful tool to empower government. Thus, this conceptual study explores the critical concepts of coaching and<br>synthesizes findings related to coaching's impact on individual employees and organizational performance. A systematic<br>search in bibliographic databases such as PubMed, PsycINFO, ERIC, Web of Science, and Google Scholar was conducted to<br>identify relevant studies. Systematic review on full-text articles from 2000 to 2023 using keywords, such as coaching,<br>coaching program, employee performance, and organizational performance. Many studies reveal that coaching positively<br>impacts employees in several ways. Coaching provides many benefits, including improving employee engagement, skills,<br>performance, confidence, and self-efficacy. It also accelerates learning, develops leadership abilities, enhances problemsolving,<br>and fosters innovation. Additionally, coaching supports talent retention and development while fostering a positive<br>organizational culture. In the civil service, coaching aids in skill development, career advancement, addressing weaknesses,<br>adapting to change, and managing stress, resulting in overall performance improvement. This study provides valuable insights<br>and contributions to advancing both academic understanding and practical application in this critical area of organizational<br>development and human resource management.</p>Herdiansah Bin Abdul KarimNor Azma Rahlin
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2024-12-292024-12-29101Empowering and Sustaining Government Tax Revenue through Tax Information on Social Media in Malaysia
<p>Sustainable government tax revenue plays a significant role in many developing countries, especially in the current economic<br>situation. In today’s digital age, people increasingly turn to social networks for information and assistance, leading to essential<br>considerations about how these platforms may influence behaviour. This study aims to create a conceptual framework for the<br>effect of tax information on social media towards tax revenue in Malaysia. Three constructs of tax information via social<br>media were considered: Tax Information Availability (TIA), Tax Informational Quality (TIQ) and Tax Informational<br>Influence (TII). The proposed framework may aid future research by offering a systematic means of evaluating tax<br>information on social media as a determinant of influencing tax revenue. The framework may also provide measures to sustain<br>government revenue and determine how tax authorities can design targeted social media outreach programs to better<br>comprehend taxpayer compliance behaviour. This study offers an appropriate mechanism of social media variables as a factor<br>of tax revenue for further analysis and discussion.</p>Mohd Allif Anwar Abu BakarNelson LajuniSharifah Milda AmirulSaizal Pinjaman
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<p>This study addresses the need to understand the hydrodynamic behavior of artificial coral reefs, inspired by natural coral formations such as brain, cauliflower, lace, dome, digitate, and organ pipe corals, which are found in our oceans. The selected natural coral reef designs underwent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to replicate their behavior. These designs were then recreated through a 3D printing process to develop artificial coral reefs. Simulation analyses were conducted to assess water flow coverage and velocity. The analysis revealed that the brain and cauliflower coral design exhibited limited water flow coverage. In contrast, the digitate and organ pipe coral design demonstrated more favorable simulation outcomes, showing efficiency in mimicking the natural fluid dynamics of coral reefs. This was evidenced by the lowest velocity and more extensive water flow coverage in the digitate design. The results contribute to a better understanding of artificial coral reef design, highlighting the digitate and organ pipe coral's potential for more efficient integration into marine ecosystems. This study underscores the ecological relevance and practical benefits of using specific coral designs to enhance artificial reef performance.</p>Eisley John S. TiongsonLester Alfred M. Olasiman
Copyright (c) 2025
2025-01-012025-01-01101The Relationship Between Anxiety, Identity and The Environment Towards the Willingness to Communicate in English For Non- Native Speakers.
<p>The study aims to: (1) identify communication challenges among university students in English, (2) assess the frequency of<br>English language usage among students, and (3) determine motivating factors for English language communication among<br>university students. This study employed a quantitative approach utilizing SPSS for data analysis. Statistical techniques such<br>as summary statistics, frequency analysis, descriptive analysis, reliability analysis (Cronbach's Alpha), transformation of<br>variables, and correlation were utilized. Convenience sampling, a non-probability sampling method, was chosen due to time<br>and resource constraints, involving the collection of data from accessible members of the population. Questionnaires were<br>utilized as the primary data collection instrument, comprising four sections of close-ended questions. A total of 23<br>questionnaires were distributed to 31 respondents. The data collected were then analyzed using SPSS to explore relationships<br>and patterns within the dataset. Section 1 was constructed to identify the student's demographic information, which is related<br>to their gender, age, race, previous school, and mode of study. Section A was constructed to identify the willingness of nonnative<br>speakers to speak English. Section B was constructed to identify attributes that cause anxiety among non-native<br>speakers. The scale of the items used in this section is Strongly Agree (1), Agree (2), Neutral (3), Disagree (4), Strongly<br>Disagree (5). Section C was constructed to identify what are the effects of environment among the non-native speakers<br>towards their willingness to speak English. The scale of the items used in this section is Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2),<br>Neutral (3), Agree (4), Strongly Agree (5). Meanwhile, Section D was constructed to identify what are the effects of<br>environment among the non-native speakers towards their willingness to speak English. The scale of the items used in this<br>section is Strongly Agree (1), Agree (2), Neutral (3), Disagree (4), Strongly Disagree (5). Descriptive analysis was used to<br>identify, describe and explore the relationship between anxiety, identity and the environment towards the willingness to<br>communicate in English for non-native speakers among the students. The analysis of the relationship between anxiety and<br>willingness to speak English reveals a Pearson Correlation value of -.320. With this value being less than -1, the research<br>confirms the hypothesis. Consequently, it is concluded that there exists a negative relationship between anxiety and<br>willingness to speak English. This implies that as anxiety decreases, the willingness to speak English increases [r=-.320].<br>Similarly, when exploring the relationship between identity and willingness to speak English, a Pearson Correlation value of -<br>.046 was obtained. Despite being less than -1, the hypothesis was accepted. As a result, it is concluded that there is a negative<br>correlation between identity and willingness to speak English. This indicates that as identity decreases, the willingness to<br>speak English increases [r=-.046]. Furthermore, the investigation into the relationship between willingness to speak English<br>and the environment revealed a Pearson Correlation of 0.38. Since this value is less than 1, the hypothesis is confirmed. Thus,<br>it is concluded that there exists a positive correlation between the environment and willingness to speak English. This suggests<br>that as the environment becomes more conducive, the willingness to speak English increases [r=0.38]. This study reveals that<br>anxiety significantly impacts students' willingness to speak English, often leading to decreased confidence and nervousness<br>during communication. To support anxious individuals, fostering friendships and providing a supportive environment can mitigate communication fears. Additionally, identity plays a crucial role; their environment and cultural ties influence<br>students' willingness to speak English. Lastly, the proficiency level of students in English is influenced by educational systems<br>and teaching methods, suggesting a need for improvement in English language education to enhance students' language<br>proficiency from an early age.</p>Adin bin JarunCelestina KundayisJizianna bt MichaelJoyce Marlyn M.YahyaSharul Nizam bin DamitAinul Syafiyn Chew bt Mohamad Safwan Chew
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2024-12-292024-12-29101Research on Internal Communication and Cooperative Learning Communities in Chinese Universities from the Perspective of Positive Organizational Behavior
<p>This study aims to explore the relationship between internal communication and cooperative learning communities in Chinese<br>universities from the perspective of Positive Organizational Behavior (POB). In the context of China's society undergoing<br>significant transformations, the demand for personal growth and societal transition from educational institutions has become<br>increasingly crucial. Cooperative learning communities (CLC), as a collaborative learning approach adopted by the entire<br>faculty and students based on predetermined organizational principles, are considered an effective mechanism for advancing<br>educational quality and fostering comprehensive student development.<br>Employing various methods, including surveys and teacher interviews, this research investigates the mutual influence and<br>correlation between internal communication and cooperative learning communities in Chinese universities. Guided by the<br>theory of POB, we examine the significance of internal communication and cooperative learning communities in shaping and<br>developing the educational ecosystem of higher education institutions. Previous research findings demonstrate that internal<br>communication from the perspective of POB plays a pivotal role in fostering the formation and stability of cooperative<br>learning communities. Effective internal communication channels facilitate improved collaboration and knowledge-sharing<br>among students, thereby enhancing their learning outcomes. Moreover, the active participation and support of teachers have<br>positive effects on the establishment and maintenance of learning communities. Teachers promote positive interactions among<br>students within the communities through encouraging collective learning and providing personalized guidance. Furthermore,<br>the existence and development of CLC also yield positive impacts on POB. These communities create a positive learning<br>environment for students, enhancing their learning motivation and self-efficacy. The application of POB theory plays a critical<br>role in the construction of CLC within higher education institutions.<br>In conclusion, this study delves into the relationship between internal communication and cooperative learning communities<br>in Chinese universities from the perspective of POB. It explores the formation and operational mechanisms of CLC,<br>contributing valuable theoretical and practical insights for optimizing educational management, nurturing comprehensive<br>student development, and advancing the overall development of higher education institutions.</p>Han JuanChiew Tung Moi
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2024-12-292024-12-29101Research on digital Transformation Strategy of China’s Retail Industry based on new retail mode
<p>Following decades of rapid expansion, China's retail industry has emerged as a prominent player in global commerce.<br>However, the competition within the retail sector is intensifying. Chinese retail enterprises are now restructuring their business<br>processes with digitalization as the central driving force, upgrading the production, distribution and sales of goods, and deeply<br>integrating online services, offline experiences and modern logistics to establish a new retail model. This paper focuses on<br>analyzing the challenges present in the digital transformation of retail enterprises based on the new retail model and current<br>status of digital transformation in Chinese retail enterprises. It also proposes a strategic model for the digital transformation of<br>these enterprises. Ultimately, this strategy involves establishing a consumer-centric data analysis system, reengineering<br>business processes based on data flow and reorganizing organizational structures while building an intelligent collaborative<br>digital open platform for internal and external resources to achieve successful digital transformation.</p>Yang XiaolingMohd Rahimie Abd KarimBorhan Sareya Abdullah
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