Borneo Epidemiology Journal: Announcements <div class="description"> <p align="justify">There is an increasing demand for an exclusive journal to publish epidemiological studies. This journal is a fully open journal for the rapidly growing epidemiological studies. Authors will be given a new platform to showcase their work while maintaining standards and quality by being managed by respectable editors and reviewers who are matter experts in their field. This journal focuses on public health epidemiology. </p> <p align="justify">BEJ will be devoted to the contribution covering applied, methodological and theoretical issues. The journal aims to improve epidemiological knowledge and ultimately health worldwide. Contributors include other disciplines that integrate epidemiology in their research including biostatistics, communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, tropical diseases, environmental epidemiology, occupational health, rural health, health promotion, clinical epidemiology, public health policy and management. </p> </div> en-US Upcoming BEJ Issue Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024) Borneo Epidemiology Journal 2024-12-11