Borneo International Journal of Education (BIJE)
<p style="float: left;"><img src="/ojums/public/site/images/nataniel/BIJE_-_COVER2.png" width="150" hspace="10" height="225"></p> <p align="justify"><strong>Borneo International Journal of Education (BIJE)</strong> focuses on research in teaching and learning at all levels of education: Pre-school, primary, secondary, tertiary as well as continuous lifelong learning. Areas of interest include though not exclusively, inter alia, Education Management, Language Education, Science Education, Rural Education, Environmental Education, Early Childhood Education, Physical and Health Education, Innovation in teaching and learning, Assessment and evaluation and culture of learning. Articles can be written either in English, Malay or Indonesian languages.</p>Penerbit UMSen-USBorneo International Journal of Education (BIJE)2710-7361Reviewing Science Education Research in Socioculture Perspective
<p>In order to ensure that our country is able to provide enough human capital in the future, Malaysia is striving hard to improve the quality of its science education system. Various strategies have been regulated but still, the percentage of students taking science stream keeps dropping each year. Thus, science education scholars need to focus their attention by examining the impact of socioculture factor on students’ interest in science. This article reviews a few socioculture point of views which affect science education progress. It discusses the pros and contras that <br />arise when modern science that originates from the west clashes with the culture, traditions and beliefs of non-western students. This study is important to ensure that the human capital produced by our education system is capable of competing at the global stage without sacrificing our identity, beliefs and cultural heritage.</p>Shafiah Abdul RashidZanaton H. IksanKhadijah Abdul RazakAzman YusofMariati Mohd. Salleh
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2022-12-222022-12-22218An investigation into difficulties in designing lesson plans experienced by pre-service teachers at the University of Foreign Language Studies – The University of Danang
<p>It is indisputable that developing pre-service teachers’ lesson-planning skills plays a key role in the language teacher training program. However, lesson planning is currently inadequately evaluated as a laborious task to many pre-service teachers, and they encounter a host of difficulties in tailoring a meticulous lesson plan. Since there is not much research into this subject in Vietnam, this paper is carried out with the purpose of investigating the difficulties in designing lesson plans experienced by pre-service teachers at the University of Foreign Language Studies – the University of Danang. This research employs qualitative approach of the data collected from questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The subject involves in the research are pre-service teachers majoring in English Language Teacher Education. Seventy (70) trainee teachers took part in the questionnaire at the first stage of data collection. Among these participants, at the second stage for semi-structured interview, the recording was administered to a population of ten (10) pre-service teachers who were chosen randomly with convenience. Hopefully, the research would serve as a source of reference for trainee teachers, in particular and teachers of English in general.</p>Phan Thi Thanh Nga
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2022-12-222022-12-222926Pencapaian murid menggunakan Modul CAFЀ melalui pendekatan konstruktivism dalam subjek Fizik musim pandemik COVID-19
<p>Pandemik COVID-19 telah mempengaruhi sistem pendidikan di seluruh dunia, yang terpaksa melaksanakan PdPr dalam talian secara mengejut. Walaupun PdPr dalam talian berjaya dijalankan namun perancangan yang teliti adalah amat penting memandangkan pengembangan sumber daya teknologi dan manusia adalah terhad, masa penyediaan mengikut keadaan semasa, tambahan lagi kesediaan murid dari segi kepelbagaian mental emosi murid. Memandangkan musim pandemik yang melanda negara yang memaksa pengajaran dan pembelajaran harus dipindahkan ke format dalam talian, kajian tindakan ini dilaksanakan bertujuan meningkatkan pencapaian 8 orang murid rawatan yang dikesan gagal menguasai kemahiran menjawab Kertas 2 Subjek Fizik dan seterusnya menyebabkan kegagalan dalam subjek Fizik. Memandangkan mereka merupakan kumpulan murid calon Peperiksan SPM, maka penggunaan Modul CAFÉ digunapakai dengan pendekatan Konsturktivisme dalam meningkatkan prestasi pencapaian peperiksaan. Data kajian dikutip dan diukur melalui kutipan markah analisis item kertas 2 subjek Fizik selepas Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun dan Ahir Tahun serta Peperiksaan SPM 2020. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan dengan pendekatan konstruktivisme melalui Modul CAFÉ, kumpulan murid rawatan ini mampu menguasai teknik menjawab dengan baik dan seterusnya meningkatkan pencapaian dalam subjek Fizik.</p>Chin Fah Sing
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2022-12-222022-12-2222742The Content Knowledge and the Teacher Readiness of Teaching Secondary School Quantum Physics in Sabah
<p>Modern technological applications made quantum physics (QP) an important subject to include in secondary school curricula in other countries before it did so in Malaysia. Secondary school students in our county will be educated using the new, revised curriculum when QP goes into effect in 2021. Consequently, a study was done to determine the level of content knowledge and teacher readiness <br />for teaching secondary school quantum physics in Sabah. A cross-sectional survey method was used to gather data from a sample of 175 Sabah Form Five Physics teachers, who were chosen through a multistage cluster sampling process. The research instrument used an adapted and modified questionnaire. The reliability values of this instruments were high at .87. The IBM SPSS version 28.0 software <br />was used to analyze the study data. According to the findings of the study, physics teachers have a moderate level of content knowledge (m = 6.78) and teacher readiness (m = 6.96). Using the data from this study, the Malaysian Ministry of Education and policymakers can get a clear image of how prepared Physics teachers are for QP implementation once it is implemented in 2021.The implications of the study show that content knowledge towards teacher readiness of teaching secondary school QP is crucial to improve the quality of QP teaching.</p>Stephanie Sungkim
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2022-12-222022-12-2224354Domain Kognitif dan Pencapaian Ungkapan Algebra dalam kalangan Pelajar Tingkatan Dua
<p>Algebra merupakan salah satu topik yang sukar dalam pembelajaran Matematik khususnya di peringkat Menengah Rendah. Permasalahan pelajar dalam topik Algebra sering dikaitkan dengan kemahiran kognitif. Penguasaan kemahiran kognitif pada aras rendah dan tinggi dalam topik Algebra adalah satu keperluan yang selaras dengan penekanan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi dalam kurikulum Matematik. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tahap domain kognitif dan pencapaian Ungkapan Algebra dalam kalangan pelajar Tingkatan Dua. Di samping itu kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara domain kognitif <br />dan pencapaian Ungkapan Algebra. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis tinjauan. Kaedah persampelan rawak berstrata digunakan dan seramai 386 orang respondan daripada tujuh buah sekolah menengah di daerah Tawau Sabah <br />terlibat dalam kajian ini. Soal selidik dengan tiga subkonstruk iaitu pengetahuan, kefahaman dan aplikasi digunakan untuk menentukan tahap domain kognitif. Ujian Ungkapan Algebra dengan tiga aras rendah berdasarkan pembelajaran Taksonomi <br />Bloom Revisi (mengingat, memahami dan mengaplikasi,) digunakan untuk mengukur tahap pencapaian Ungkapan Algebra dalam kalangan responden. Data telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian komputer melalui program Statistical Package for <br />Social Science (SPSS) versi 27.0. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan min dan sisihan piawai untuk menentukan tahap domain kognitif dan pencapaian Ungkapan Algebra. Pekali Korelasi Pearson digunakan untuk menentukan perhubungan antara domain kognitif dan pencapaian Ungkapan Algebra. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap domain kognitif dan tahap pencapaian Ungkapan Algebra adalah sederhana. Analisis korelasi pula menunjukkan nilai korelasi Pearson r =.594, mempunyai hubungan positif yang signifikan dan kuat antara domain kognitif dan pencapaian Ungkapan Algebra. Penentuan domain kognitif Algebra melalui kajian ini sangat berguna untuk melihat tahap domain kognitif pelajar dan kesan nya terhadap pencapaian mereka. Dapatan kajian ini boleh menjadi panduan membantu para pendidik dan penyelidik untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam pembelajaran Algebra khususnya pelajar menengah rendah.</p>Sarimah Baco
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2022-12-222022-12-2225568A Needs Analysis Study in Developing Quantum Physics Instructional Module for Secondary School With an Integrated Stem Education Approach
<p>Effective instructional strategies have been highlighted in teaching Quantum physics (QP) since this topic is theoretically complex and different from classical physics. In addressing this issue, a needs analysis (NA) was carried out to identify the anticipated challenges in QP learning and facilitation (L&F) and the integration of STEM education in a physics classroom. This research is a qualitative study where a semi-structured interview was conducted with two experts in physics education and two physics teachers selected under a purposive sampling approach. The interview was one-on-one through online platforms, held during the Covid-19 pandemic’s <br />mobility control order (MCO). The data from the semi-structured interview was analysed using thematic analysis, and the findings were presented as thematic maps.Two major themes emerged from the thematic analysis: 1) the expectation in QP L&F based on experts’ and teachers’ views and 2) the discrepancies in SSQP-STEM L&F gathered from the teachers’ opinions and perspectives. The first theme denotes 1.1) teachers’ professional development, 1.2) pedagogical content knowledge, 1.3) instructional strategy, and 1.4) QP L&F resources. The second theme describes the discrepancies of SSQP-STEM L&F in terms of 2.1) QP nature, 2.2) insufficiency of resources in QP L&F, and 2.3) teachers’ perceptions of students’ characteristics in the physics classroom, and 2.4) the teachers’ competencies issues in teaching QP. Overall, the finding shows that a practical instructional module needs to be developed to cater to the physics teachers’ demands.</p>Laurah Markus
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2022-12-222022-12-2226984Turutan Pembelajaran-Pemudahcaraan” konsep tenaga pelajar fizik sekolah menengah menggunakan model pembinaan semula PdPC berasaskan tradisi Didaktik-Jerman
<p>Turutan pembelajaran-pemudahcaraan konsep tenaga adalah berasaskan penyelidikan pendidikan saintifik berskala mikro yang direka khusus untuk mengkaji topik tunggal dalam PdPC bilik darjah. Terdapat beberapa model di bawah trend ini tetapi artikel ini hanya mengkhusus kepada Model Pembinaan Semula PdPC (MPSP) atau lebih dikenali sebagai Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) dalam bahasa Inggeris yang ditemukan bermula dari negara Jerman. Model ini dianggap penting dalam penyelidikan pendidikan saintifik kerana ciri uniknya yang berupaya ‘mentransformasikan’ struktur kandungan fizik yang difahami oleh komuniti saintis agar menjadi struktur kandungan fizik yang mudah difahami pelajar di dalam bilik darjah. Hal ini kerana, menurut MPSP struktur PdPC fizik mestilah dibina berdasarkan perspektif pelajar, terutamanya konsep pra-pengetahuan dan trajektori pembelajaran mereka. MPSP ini terdiri daripada tiga komponen iaitu pemerihalan dan analisis kandungan subjek, penyelidikan PdPC dan reka bentuk persekitaran PdPC. Objektif penyelidikan ini ialah meneroka cara bagaimana konsepsi pelajar terhadap konsep tenaga yang berorientasikan aktiviti harian dapat ditransfomasikan/dibina semula kepada konsep yang berorientasikan fizik. Kajian kualitatif yang dijalankan ini mengadaptasi pendekatan fenomenologi hermeneutik Heidegger dan data diperoleh daripada pelbagai sumber seperti temu bual separa berstruktur, jawapan bertulis pelajar, ‘pengajaran eksperimen’, dan refleksi-diri pelajar. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis kualitatif kandungan dan akhir sekali dapatan kajian dipersembahkan dalam bentuk ilustrasi ‘laluan pembelajaran’ untuk melihat bagaimana pembentukan pemahaman pelajar terhadap konsep tenaga berlaku. Oleh itu, pendekatan turutan pembelajaran-pemudahcaraan menggunakan MPSP ini memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dijadikan salah satu kaedah PdPC terbaik dalam pendidikan sains di Malaysia. <br /><br /><br />The teaching-learning-sequence of energy concept is based on microscale scientific educational research designed specifically to study a single topic in classroom teaching and learning. There are several theoretical models associated with this trend, but this article focuses solely on the Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) discovered in Germany. This model is important in scientific education research because of its unique ability to ‘transform’ the physics content structure understood by the scientific community into the physics content structure easily understood by students in the classroom. This is because, according to MER, the structure of physics teaching and learning must be built around students’ perspectives, particularly pre-knowledge concepts and learning trajectories. The MER is made up of three parts: subject matter clarification and analysis, research on teaching and learning, and design for teaching and learning environments. The objective of this study is to explore how students’ conceptions of energy daily activities-oriented can be transformed/reconstructed into the concept of physics-oriented. This qualitative study adapted Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenological approach, and data were gathered from a variety of sources, including semi-structured interviews, written responses from students, a teaching experiment, and students’ self-reflection. The data was analysed using qualitative content analysis, and the study’s findings were presented in the illustration of ‘learning pathways’ to show how students progressed in their understanding of the energy concept. As a result, this teaching-learning sequence approach based on MER has the potential to be one of the most effective teaching and learning methods in Malaysian science education.</p>Azlinah Ispal
Copyright (c) 2022 Borneo International Journal of Education (BIJE)
2021-12-222021-12-22285112Perkongsian Pengetahuan Tasit Guru Kebitaraan Bahasa Melayu Sekolah Menengah Harian (Kluster Kecemerlangan)
<p>Perkongsian pengetahuan tasit dalam bidang pengurusan pendidikan kurang mendapat liputan para penyelidik tempatan disebabkan kesukaran untuk mengenal pasti sifat pengetahuan tasit. Di sekolah, guru kurang menyedari kelebihan pengetahuan tasit sebagai inspirasi dalam pengajaran dan oleh itu tidak mampu mengurus pengetahuan tasit mereka dengan baik. Bagi merapatkan lompang ini, kajian ini dijalankan untuk meneroka perkongsian pengetahuan tasit guru kebitaraan Bahasa Melayu di sekolah kluster kecemerlangan. Sebanyak enam kes dikaji dengan menggunakan pendekatan kajian kes fenomenologi, bersama kaedah temu bual semi berstruktur, pemerhatian dan catatan lapangan. Pemilihan peserta kajian secara bertujuan dikendalikan untuk menjawab dua persoalan kajian. Perubahan bentuk pengetahuan tasit diuji dengan Teori Penciptaan Pengetahuan Organisasi (Nonaka, 1994). Hasil kajian ini mendapati pengetahuan tasit guru berubah dari pengetahuan tasit menjadi pengetahuan eksplisit manakala pengetahuan tasit peribadi berubah menjadi pengetahuan tasit orang lain. Dalam pada itu, pengetahuan tasit guru diperoleh dalam bentuk pengetahuan dan kemahiran khusus berserta pengalaman mengajar setelah beberapa tahun guru berkhidmat. Seterusnya, kemahiran guru dalam Pengetahuan Pedagogi Isi Kandungan (PPIK) lebih baik berbanding dengan kemahiran dalam Pengetahuan Teknologi Pedagogi Isi Kandungan (PTPK). Lanjutan daripada itu, didapati pengetahuan tasit guru dari segi teknik dan kaedah pembelajaran lebih mudah diekstrak ke bentuk pengetahuan eksplisit berbanding dengan pengalaman guru. Manakala, penggunaan alat teknologi dalam PTPK hanya elemen tambahan untuk melengkapi keperluan untuk kemahiran PPIK guru. Kajian ini membawa implikasi dari aspek mengurus pengetahuan tasit diri dan mengesan pengetahuan tasit orang lain; menjadikan pengetahuan tasit sebagai sumber kreativiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran; serta kualiti guru. Dari perspektif jangka panjang, perkongsian merupakan strategi proaktif untuk mengurus pengetahuan tasit pendidikan dengan sistematik.</p> <p> </p> <p>The sharing of tacit knowledge in the field of educational management is less widely covered by local researchers due to the difficulty of identifing the nature of tacit knowledge. In schools, teachers are less aware of the advantage of tacit knowledge as inspiration in teaching and therefore are unable to manage their tacit knowledge well. To bridge this gap, this study aims to explore the tacit knowledge sharing of Malay Language niche teacher in the cluster school in excellence. A total of six cases were studied using a phenomenology case study approach with semistructured interview, observation, and field notes. Purposive sampling was intended to be used to answer the four research questions. Changes in the form of tacit knowledge has been interpreted by using the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation (Nonaka, 1994). It was found that tacit knowledge had changed from tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge while personal tacit knowledge reformed as others’ tacit knowledge. Teachers’ tacit knowledge is found in the form of specialized knowledge and skills as well as teaching experience after several years of service as a teacher. Besides, it was found that teachers’ skills in Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (PPIK) are better than the skills in Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge (PTPK). Teachers’ tacit knowledge in terms of learning techniques and methods is more easily extracted into the form of explicit knowledge than teachers’ experience. The use of technological tools in PTPK is only an additional element to complement their PPIK skills needs. This study has implications from the aspect of managing one’s own tacit knowledge and tracking the tacit knowledge of others; making tacit knowledge as a source of teaching and learning creativity; as well as the quality of teachers. From the long-term perspective, sharing is the proactive strategy for managing the educational tacit knowledge systematically.</p>Leong Ket Chu
Copyright (c) 2022 Borneo International Journal of Education (BIJE)