
  • Zaleha Mohamad Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • Zaliha Zainuddin Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • Khyrizan Abu Jalil Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • Noorhaslinda Kulub Abdul Rashid Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • Fathilah Ismail Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
  • Isma Rosila Ismail Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


Environmental attitude ; destination image ; sustainable destination ; tourism industry


In recent years, the tourism industry has been considered as a significant sector to most countries in the global including Malaysia. However, each of the tourists has their own pattern to determine their own preferences particularly on tourism destination. The objective of this study was to explore the main factors of influencing tourists on selecting sustainable tourism destination. Data for this study were collected from former customers and potential customers of Sumai Hotel & Apartment Sdn Bhd. Data collection was conducted in tourist spots in Terengganu and through social media platform. This study involved of 367 respondents from aged 18 years old and above. A purposive sampling approach was implemented to select each of the samples. All respondents were instructed to fill out the questionnaire through face-to-face and online survey. Therefore, this data from 367 domestic tourists were analysed using Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Author Biography

Zaleha Mohamad, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Dr Zaleha Mohamad has been with the Faculty of Business, Economic dan Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu as a Senior Lecturer, since 2009. She has also appointed as a Deputy Director, Centre of Knowledge Transfer and Industrial Networks Universiti Malaysia Terengganu from 2017 until 2019. Apart from her active research in business management, digital entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, island tourism, environmental tourism and community-based tourism, she has published her research findings in index and international journal. She is also a reviewer for international index journal.


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