
  • Qin Yi Lee Curtin University Malaysia
  • Andreas H. Zins MODUL University Vienna
  • Samuel Folorunso A Adeyinka-Ojo Curtin University Malaysia
  • Noraisikin Sabani Curtin University Malaysia
  • Anita Jimmie Curtin University Malaysia


tourist experiences; digital promotion; storylines.


This study explores the potential of storytelling as a tool for promoting and preserving the rich cultural heritage of Sarawak, Malaysia. Despite its cultural wealth, Malaysia's heritage is underrepresented due to limited digital promotion. The research addresses this by developing a framework for creating compelling storylines that integrate cultural heritage with tourist experiences. The study employs case study qualitative research methods, identifying best practice examples of digital storytelling, evaluating digital cultural heritage portfolios in Sarawak, and identifying suitable local and regional traditions for tourism promotion. The research contributes to the theory and practice of destination marketing, providing guidelines for tourism marketers, web designers, IT professionals, and heritage administrators. It also offers insights to government and policymakers on the link between effective digital media use and tourist experiences. The study promotes sustainable tourism practices and encourages co-creation between tourists and destinations, making a significant contribution to both theoretical knowledge and practical applications within the realm of tourism marketing.


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