: Tourist Memorable Experiences ; Word-of-Mouth ; Destination Image ; Social Media Interactions ; SatisfactionAbstract
This study explores the tourist experiences within Kinabalu Park, Sabah, with a particular focus on Word-of-Mouth Intentions (WOM). By examining various dimensions of tourist memorable experiences, encompassing destination image, social media interactions, and satisfaction, it unravels the intricate dynamics that underpin WOM. Employing Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), the study elucidates the substantial influence of social media on destination image and WOM intentions. Furthermore, it identifies social media interactions as a moderator in the relationship between destination image and WOM, shedding light on the nuanced communication dynamics prevalent in the tourism landscape. This underscores the evolving role of social media in tourism communication, exerting a significant influence on perceptions and communication patterns among tourists. The findings of this study carry implications for both practical applications in tourism marketing and academic research. For practitioners, the insights gleaned from this research offer valuable guidance in leveraging social media platforms to cultivate positive destination images and foster word-of-mouth communication. By recognising the pivotal role of social media in shaping tourists' perceptions and communication behaviours, tourism marketers can develop targeted strategies to enhance destination image and stimulate positive word-of-mouth promotion. Moreover, the study provides empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of social media interventions in influencing tourist behaviour, thus informing strategic decision-making processes within the tourism industry. From an academic perspective, this study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing empirical insights into the complex interplay between social media, destination image, and word-of-mouth intentions in the tourism context. By employing advanced statistical techniques such as PLS-SEM, the study offers a rigorous analysis of the underlying relationships, thereby enriching our understanding of tourist behaviour and communication dynamics within tourism destinations. Furthermore, the study contributes to advancing theoretical knowledge in the field of tourism communication, underscoring the evolving role of social media in shaping tourist behaviour and communication patterns.
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