
  • Aifa Rozaini Mohd Radzol Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
  • Ida Fatihah Che Shalifullizam Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
  • Suchi Hassan Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
  • Nik Zirwatul Fatihah Ismail Universiti Malaysia Kelantan


Crisis, Covid-19 and MCO


This research aims to identify the unique reasons for individuals to travel during the restriction period. This study used a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews with eleven informants who are millennials who were selected to participate in the research. The qualitative data from the in-depth interviews were analyse using theme code or ‘coding’. The data were separated into several key themes and converted into qualitative study results. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The participants in this research revealed their purpose do a travelling during MCO. From the eleventh respondents, seven thematic analyses have been found. Themes such as manageable risk, spouse obligation, obsession, escapism, work-related, place attachment and promotion are among the themes that were found in understanding the reasons for travelling during MCO. Although the informants are aware of the risks involved for travelling during MCO due to Covid-19 outbreak, people cannot escape from choosing to travel and managing the risk of being infected. The study concludes with some implications for tourists, and government that could be useful in protecting the tourist.


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