
  • Jaque H. Diamante Jose Rizal University


Risk Management; Practices; Food Safety; Casual Dining Restaurant


This study assessed the risk management practices of casual dining restaurants in the National Capital Region (NCR), with the goal of developing a compliance training program for Department of Tourism (DOT) accreditation. Statistical methods including frequency, percentage distribution and weighted mean. Most respondents were food handlers with 1-5 years of experience, and had limited or no formal education in food safety and risk management. The majority of restaurants were located in Manila, operated for less than a year, and had fewer than 10 employees. None were DOT accredited. While food safety practices were generally compliant in areas like setup, customers, and suppliers, other aspects such as food service, employee hygiene, and safety measures were often compliant. In terms of risk management, restaurants were compliant in integration, design, implementation, evaluation, and improvement. Problems related to food safety and risk management were moderately encountered. The study recommends that all staff receive training on risk management, food safety practices, and compliance to ensure quality service and adherence to guidelines, with the management adopting the proposed training program.



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