
  • Nelson Lajuni
  • Mat Lunad @Dony Agok
  • Haidy Henry Dusim
  • Veronica Petrus Atim



Community Attachment, KadazanDusun, Leadership Style, PLS-SEM


 Leadership topic has always had a special place in the heart of every community around the world. Although leadership style is not a new concept and has been discussed many times in the past, not many studies have been conducted so far, mainly on how leadership styles among natives in Sabah (North Borneo) influence community attachment. Thus, this study examines the relationship as leadership styles and community attachment plays a significant role in a communal society like KadazanDusun here in Sabah, where the community has a great sense of respect towards their leaders or elders’ community relationship. At the same time, thus far, studies on leadership are still scarce on the KadazanDusun's sub-ethnic groups in Sabah, such as the Kimaragang Dusun, Tobilung Dusun, and Rungus. This study collected one hundred fifty-one completed responses, and the data were then analysed by utilizing Partial Least Squared-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS 3.3.2. The findings suggest that directive, supportive, and participative leadership styles influenced community attachment. This study has provided new insights and understanding of Sabah's leadership styles and community attachment among sub-ethnic groups. Future studies should also utilize the qualitative approach or adopt Partial Least Square-Multi-Group Analysis (PLS-MGA) to examine leadership styles preference based on ethnicity or level of education.

Author Biographies

Nelson Lajuni

Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Mat Lunad @Dony Agok

Open University Malaysia

Haidy Henry Dusim

Universiti Teknologi Mara

Veronica Petrus Atim

Universiti Malaysia Sabah


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How to Cite

Lajuni, N., @Dony Agok, M. L., Henry Dusim, H. ., & Petrus Atim, V. (2022). COMMUNITY ATTACHMENT AND LEADERSHIP STYLES . Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies, 8(1), 20–39.
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