customer satisfaction, online shopping, structural equation modelling, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysisAbstract
Online shopping is the most popular electronic commerce platform that allows consumers to purchase goods or services directly from a seller over the internet via web browsing or mobile apps. This study proposed to investigate the factors that effecting customer satisfaction towards online shopping, hence to find the relationship between these factors and to develop a conceptual model to help in explaining customer satisfaction towards online shopping. The data collection was conducted through an online questionnaire using Google Form and the respondents were (N=200) from the SQS students, UUM. There are four items were constructed based on the customer satisfaction questions and 40 items constructed based on the online shopping experiences by the respondents. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) including exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used in this study to construct the model. As a result, three factors extracted which are product fulfilment, site revisit and website design. These factors show significant relationship towards customer satisfaction. It means that all the factors have a direct influence towards customer satisfaction when using online shopping.
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