Fishermen, Fishing Activities, Challenge, Marine LifeAbstract
Fishermen are individuals who rely on marine resources to generate income, particularly through fishing activities. The sea offers a variety of resources that are beneficial to both humans and marine life. When managed according to sustainable principles, fishermen can advantageously utilize marine products over the long term (Wood & Ng, 2016). However, the use of prohibited substances in fishing activities leads to various negative effects, resulting in the destruction of coral reefs, which serve as critical habitats for marine life. One of the activities that harm these reefs is the use of explosives, commonly known as "fish bombs." A fish bomb is a device that creates a strong and rapid explosion, causing damage to both living and non-living entities in its vicinity (George, 2014). Therefore, the aim of this article is to examine the impacts and challenges faced by the community and authorities in preventing the continuation of fish bombing activities.
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