The Ma’nene Tradition, Ceremonies, Cultural Heritage, Belief SystemAbstract
The Ma'nene tradition is the cultural heritage of the Toraja tribe in Indonesia which is a tradition that should be implemented as a sign of love, and respect for the deceased family members. The Ma'nene tradition is generally related to the belief system revealed by the Toraja tribe's ancestor Aluk Todolo. It contains many philosophies such as belief, pride, ancient traditions, and civilizations which are all implicit in this tradition. The retention of the Ma'nene tradition as a tourist attraction is the focus in the village of Lalikan Pangala', North Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The methodology of this study uses a qualitative method through in-depth interviews by interviewing sixteen key informants, the method of observation of participating in this ceremony, and the secondary data source method for further information. The data analysis shows that the traditional Ma'nene ceremony is still preserved despite being a product of tourist attractions. The Ma'nene tradition ceremony is a cultural heritage that must be preserved for it to be the gaze of generations in the future.
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