Globalization is a method of interaction of developing the global economy among all the countries of the world. It is the integration of economies with all the economies of the world. Globalization is seen as facilitating increasing flows of capital, goods, services, and ideas among the countries, thus contributing to their high economic growth in the past decades. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of globalization in ASEAN countries. In the area of international relations, globalization changing nations and borders of Southeast Asia through increased regional cooperation in the formation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The establishment of ASEAN as one of the most highly-integrated regional organizations is the reflection of the process of globalization. This study proved that globalization contributed some benefits for ASEAN countries such as the development of education and health system, employment opportunities, employment growth, technology information, and competitive advantage. With the current economic situation that is going on all over the world, it is of utmost importance that countries are exposed to globalization and free trade. The benefits of these can bring about positive changes in countries, not only in ASEAN but all over the world.