Universiti Malaysia Sabah
July 24, 2019 – July 25, 2019
Introducing ICoBS 2019!
The 1st International Conference of Business Studies [ICoBS] 2019 is organized by the Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah; and will be held on 24-25 July 2019 in Kota Kinabalu Sabah.
It serves as a convergence platform between academician and industry players to engage in discussions related to issues and challenges facing businesses today and in the foreseeable future.
Modern developments that have taken place in telecommunications and transportation have brought about an increased interaction between various sectors and institutions, as well as between business players and governments. The diversity of players and speed of change characterizes the pace and trends in business for the generations of today and tomorrow. In order to face these challenges, innovativeness and collaborative engagements between academic and industry players can play a big role.
Hence, it is our hope that through this conference, we will be able to draw on empirical and professional insights from business leaders, researchers, and practitioners to discuss, exchange ideas, and share their views and concerns on current issues and trends that will shape our business environment of the future.

Conference Information
- » Overview
- » Registration