

Symposium 6

Plenary 4


Opening : 8 – 9 am

MS Roha

UMS talk

Opening Talk – Christina JKNS

Sabah Dance – Beaufort Hosp


Symposium 1 – Sabah Nutrition Experience – a work in progress 9-10 am

a)      NTT QEH Update

b)      Amezah Video

c)      Forum with Amezah – sharing experience


Coffee 10 -1030 am


Plenary 1 1030 – 1130

Principles of Metabolics and Nutrition Care


Symposium 2 - Nutritional Assessment 1130 – 1230

a)      Clinical Assessment – Tools, Tips and Techniques

b)      Diagnostic Imaging – can they assess nutrition better?

c)      Lab-based investigation – useful or useless?


1230 – 2pm

Lunch break

Lunch Talk (1230 – 1pm)


Plenary 2 2-3pm

Post Discharge Nutrition Therapy – the clinical impact


Symposium 3 ERAS 3-4pm

a)      All Eat and No Play makes Jack a fail case – importance of exercise

b)      Pre-operative carbo loading – How I do it

c)      Post operative nutrition support in Emergency Surgery


Tea Break 4pm


End of Day 1 430pm









Symposium 4 Enteral Nutrition 8-9 am

a)      Common mistakes in enteral feeding – what clinicians need to know

b)      Misconception on enteral feeding – how we should educate our patients

c)      How Therapeutic is Our Normal Daily Diet


Plenary 3 (9-10am)

Enteral Nutrition in cancer patients. Do we need PN?


Coffee Break 10-1030 am


Symposium 5 Parenteral Nutrition 1030 – 1130

Parenteral Nutrition Requirement – Counting what Counts

Immuno-nutrition – can we afford not to have it?

Micro-nutrients – What is new ?


Lunch and Friday Prayers 1130 – 2 pm

Lunch Talk (1130 – 12pm)


Plenary 4 2-3 pm

PN related Liver Failure – monitoring and management


Symposium 6 - Nutritional Complications 3-4 pm

Over feeding – between myths and reality

Assess related complications – prevention is better than cure

Refeeding Syndrome – Facts or Fiction


Tea Break


Closing ceremony 4 pm

Mr Shukri

Poster winner

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