Effects of hydrogen peroxide treatment on the particle size distribution of hydrothermal vent sediments: A case study in Guishan Island, Taiwan


  • Wei-Ling Ng Borneo Marine Research Institute, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Cheng-Ann Chen Borneo Marine Research Institute,Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Stephenie Demie Kawi Borneo Marine Research Institute, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Baba Musta Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Tin-Yam Chan Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University




Hydrothermal vent, Taiwan, Hydrogen peroxide, Sediment


Particle size analysis is able to reveal essential information about processes like production, transportation, sorting, and deposition of a study area. Pre-treatment of sediment by using hydrogen peroxide is recommended for more accuracy of particle size distribution as it removes organic matter which is adsorbed on the grain particle. A shallow water where hydrothermal vents site are located in Guishan Island is selected as the study site in this research. Sediment samples were collected at the depth of 3 – 5 cm from the seabed surface by SCUBA diving. Particle size analysis was conducted by dry sieving before and after hydrogen peroxide treatment. Results showed significant differences in very coarse sand (p < 0.05) as it decreases significantly in weight after treatment (10.62% of change). The other particle size level of sediment increases slightly in weight and the changes ranged from 1.20% to 2.60%, showing no significant difference (500μm=0.59; p value 250μm=0.67; p value 125μm=0.48; p value 63μm=0.47; p value >63μm=0.38). Therefore, in order to accurately determine the particle size distribution at hydrothermal vent site, pre-treatment using hydrogen peroxide is recommended to remove organic material because hydrothermal vent is proved to have high organic matter content.


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How to Cite

Ng, W.-L., Chen, C.-A., Kawi, S. D., Musta, B., & Chan, T.-Y. (2019). Effects of hydrogen peroxide treatment on the particle size distribution of hydrothermal vent sediments: A case study in Guishan Island, Taiwan. Borneo Journal of Marine Science and Aquaculture (BJoMSA), 3(2), 52–56. https://doi.org/10.51200/bjomsa.v3i2.1995
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