
  • Hayanun, Yayu Heryatun & Siti Sa’diah UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
  • Erna Risnawati Universitas Terbuka



Extensive Reading; Students’ Reading Interest


This study aims to analyze students' interest in Extensive Reading and find out what factors influence their interest in reading. This study was conducted at UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten and involved 30 students in the fifth semester. The research design used was descriptive qualitative. In collecting the data, a questionnaire and interview were employed. The results indicate that students have a low interest in Extensive Reading. This could be seen from the results of the overall average score of the questionnaire which only achieved 2,54. In addition, there are several factors that influenced their interest in Extensive Reading, including 1) The need for reading, 2) Feelings of pleasure and interest, 3) Types of reading, 4) The Intensity of reading, 5) The Development of information and communication technology, 6) Environment, and 7) Libraries. Therefore, it could be concluded that students' reading interest in Extensive Reading depends on their needs and other factors that influence it.


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