
  • Zeliha Hj Mohamad Ali Maktab Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien, Brunei Darussalam
  • Azizi Yahaya & Laila Wati Madlan Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Pg Razmahayati Pg Hj Mahmud Institusi Penjara Wanita, Jerudong, Negara Brunei Darussalam



Job Satisfaction, Quality of Life, Mental Health, Academic Performance, Covid 19


The spread of the COVID-19 epidemic has caused a number of negative impacts such as in terms of mental and physical health issues, performance instability especially among school and university students, job dissatisfaction in doing tasks and completing tasks according to the requirements and time set as well as a decrease in quality live as long as this pandemic happens continuously. Among the objectives of this study is to identify gender and area of residence as not a factor in the interaction of job satisfaction, quality of life, mental health, and academic performance. Second, the study identified the factors of job satisfaction, quality of life, and mental health as predictors of academic performance at the Membakut II National School during the covid-19 pandemic. The selection of the sample for this study uses a random sampling method involving 225 respondents among students from grades one to six at Membakut II Secondary School. The research design is using quantitative methods. The instrument of this study is to use a questionnaire distributed through the Whatsapp application in the form of a Google Form Survey. Data were collected and analyzed using Statistical Package for The Social Science software version 26 (SPSS 26.0) using 2-way manova and multiple regression. This study found that Gender and place of residence are not factors in job satisfaction, quality of life, mental health, and academic performance among Membakut II Middle School students during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the regression analysis found that the factors of job satisfaction, quality of life, and mental health are not predictors of academic performance at Sekolah Kebangsaan Membakut II during the covid-19 pandemic recorded as much as 0.17 = p<0.00 and F (3.221) = 9.137. The results of this study need to be emphasized as a guide to ensure that students get satisfaction in terms of work, especially in order to improve academic performance with better quality and maintain physical and mental health during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 


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