
  • Mohd Haazik Mohamed Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Hazlina Mohd Miskam & Idayu Badilla Idris Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Malaysia Medical Centre
  • Sangaran Gopal Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Lincoln University College



social support, demographic characteristics, systematic lupus erythematosus, MSPSS, SLE patient


This research aims to look at the social support available for Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) patients and its relationship with sociodemographic
and psychological factors at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 150 patients with SLE who
are seeking treatment have filled the questionnaires distributed and consisted of
26 male patients and 126 female patients with a ratio (cross-sectional sectional
study using convenience sampling was conducted where the MSPSS
questionnaires (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support) was used
to measure the social support scores while Hospital Anxiety and Depression
(HADS) was used to measure the psychological aspect obtained by the patient.
The social support overall showed a significant relationship only with the
monthly income. Family social support were significantly related to ethnicity
and income, friends' social support was seen to have a significant relationship
with education and income, whereas else there is no significant relationship
between significant other social support with demographic characteristics of
patient with SLE. Their result showed that there was a negative strong
significant relationship between social support overall, social support from
family, social support from friends and social support from a significant other
with a score of anxiety and depression. All the test results showed p<0.000 and
r>-0.6. This means that there is a significant relationship between social
support, family social support, friend social support and social support of special
friends with the occurrence of anxiety and depression experienced by patients
with SLE.


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