Emotional Intelligence, Occupational Stress, Employees, PandemicAbstract
This research aimed to determine the relationship between employees' emotional intelligence and occupational stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Emotional intelligence is vital for an employee to manage emotions, make decisions, and manage stress at work. The sampling technique in this research was Non-Probability Sampling with the Accidental Sampling type. The research respondents consisted of 191 people with the criteria of employees who have worked for at least one year and were 21 years old and above. The scale used in this research was the emotional intelligence scale developed by Khalili (2011) based on Goleman's refinement model of emotional intelligence and the occupational stress scale developed by Shukla and Srivastra (2016), The New Job Stress Scale. The results showed a significant negative relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress. Furthermore, it can be interpreted that the higher the emotional intelligence, the lower the occupational stress on employees. Conversely, the lower the emotional intelligence, the higher the occupational stress on employees.
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