attachment-based play, internal working model (IWM), attachment, adopted childrenAbstract
This research describes the process and result of the implementation of attachment-based play to change the Internal Working Model (IWM) of adopted children to build a secure attachment between adoptive parents and adopted children. The subjects of this research receive intervention in the form of attachment-based play in 8 sessions. The intervention is planned under four-dimension approach for attachment-based play according to Booth and Jernberg theory. Measurement of the degree of secure attachment of adopted children uses the Attachment Q-Set (AQS), whereas observation on the interaction between the adoptive parents and the adopted children uses Marschack Interaction Method (MIM) before and after the intervention. Results of the research show that there is a difference in the total score when the pretest and posttest are held by using the AQS. It means that there is a difference in the degree of secure attachment of adopted children before and after the intervention is applied. The results imply that the attachment-based play can change the IMW of adopted children.
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