
  • Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani, Anggiat Napitulu, Isidorus Anung Prabadhi Polytechnic School of Immigration, Law and Human Right Ministry, Indonesia
  • Dian Din Astuti Mulia Department of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia



Work Engagement, Psychological Capital, Self-Efficacy, Hope, Resiliency, Optimism


The main task of the organization is able to increase engagement work to achieve organizational goals more advanced and able to face global challenges The purpose of this study is to see the influence of the psychogical capital which consists of four aspects namely self-efficacy, optimism, hope, resiliency. Which acts in forming work engagement. Design of this research is a survey, which involved 87 employees of Airport Authority Office Area I Jakarta. There are three questionnaires are used in data collection. Prerequisites test conducted prior to test hypothesis that consists of data normality test, linearity, multikoliniearitas, autocorrelation, and heterodeskosititas. The research proves that psychological capital can predict work engagement. Based on the test results of these studies we can conclude that the psychological capital can predict the work engagement of employees in the Office of Airports Authority Region 1 Jakarta, Indonesia.


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