
  • Qurrotu A’yun & Dearly Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia



body image, social support, self-confidence, cover dance


This study aims to determine there is a role of body image and social support on self-confidence of cover dancer K-pop in Jakarta. The samples were taken by purposive sampling technique with total of subject is 219 people. The measuring instruments of this study is self-confidence scale that proposed by Guilford (1959), Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire-Apperarance Scales (MBSRQ-AS) by Cash & Pruzinsky, and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) by Zimet et al. Each measuring instrument has a reliable. Most of the respondents has a moderate level of body image and there are still some respondents who have a low body image. It is means there are still many cover dancers who view and evaluate their body image as negative. Likewise, for social support and self-confidence, most respondents are in the moderate category. This show that there are still respondents who have low social support and self-confidence. The result of study showed that body image and social support have a role on cover dancer K-pop’s self-confidence either partially or together.


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