
  • Nursakinah Oktaviana Sasmita Universitas Mercu Buana




PIUQ-SF, MIMIC Model, Validity


The Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ) consists of three dimensions (Demotrovics, 2016): Obsession (i.e., obsessive thoughts about the internet, and mental withdrawal symptoms when there is a lack of internet use), neglect (i.e., ignoring basic needs and daily activities), and impaired self-control (i.e., difficulty in controlling the internet). This study aims to analyse the PIUQ measuring instrument further using the Rating Scale analysis technique. The number of respondents in this study was 550, who was chosen voluntarily by spreading it on social media. The findings show that this unidimensional PIUQ has excellent validity quality and good item reliability and can be profitable if used on a large scale because of the small number of items. The MIMIC model is ideal; the absence of susceptibility to differences in characteristics indicates that the scale used in the measurement remains consistent in a heterogeneous population.


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