Body Image; Body Dissatisfaction; Ideals of Thinness; Self-Objectification; Eating Disorders; AnxietyAbstract
Humans form opinions about their bodies at a very early age, and children as young as 3 years old displayed body confidence issues. The likelihood of experiencing body dissatisfaction increases across childhood and into adolescence. Body mass index (BMI) is an important predictor of body dissatisfaction, and BMI is associated with body satisfaction across cultures. Studies on disordered eating and body dissatisfaction were predominantly conducted in Western countries. However, several recent studies suggested that women in Asian countries were vulnerable to disordered eating, similar to their Western counterparts. In Malaysia, negative body image perceptions, weight obsession and disordered eating were usually identified in adolescents with peer and emotional problems. Having a negative body image is associated with social appearance anxiety. The fear of evaluation by oneself and others is often associated with body image disturbance which is a key risk factor for the development of eating disorder symptoms among adolescents. Social appearance anxiety and eating disorders are highly comorbid. Women diagnosed with an eating disorder tend to have higher levels of BMI, drive for thinness, and body dissatisfaction. Objectification theory could explain the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating. Objectification theory has linked self-objectification to negative emotional experiences and disordered eating behaviour in cultures that sexually objectify the female body. High levels of disordered eating attitudes and behaviours are often associated with greater objectification of their bodies.
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