
  • Rosiana Eva Rayanti, Desi, & Ervin Agustin Tani Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia



Health Belief, Hypertension, Mental Health Status


According to the Central Bureau of Statistics of Talaud Island Regency, in 2018, the number of hypertension sufferers in Talaud was 3.124. Uncontrolled stress became the main factor of hypertension. It needed prevention by studying and understanding the proper behavior using the health belief model (HBM) theory. This study aimed to describe hypertension patients' health beliefs and mental health status in the Talaud Islands Regency and to identify both of its relations. This study used a quantitative method with cross-sectional closure. This study was conducted in Melonguane City. The number of samples was 50 people who met the inclusion criteria. We used questionnaires of the health belief model, questionnaires of mental health inventory, and digital tensimeters. Data analyzed used The Pearson Product moment correlation to determine the correlation between the two variables. This study showed no relation between health belief and mental health status (p-value > 0.05). There is no relationship between these variables because health belief was the variable that represents the individual perception related to the disease that was suffered. In contrast, mental health status was the variable representing personal feelings in general, such as anxiety, depression, emotional loss of control, and some of the indicators.


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