Smartphone Usage, Mastery, Sleep Disturbances, Life Satisfaction, University StudentsAbstract
This study aims to determine whether mastery level, frequency of smartphone usage, and sleep disturbances could influence Malaysian university students’ life satisfaction. Specifically, it examines which variable has the most contribution to life satisfaction. To test the hypotheses that all predictor variables have a significant impact on life satisfaction, an online survey was distributed randomly to university students across Malaysia (N = 228). Measurement tools included the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Pearlin Mastery Scale (PMS). The answers were analysed using multiple regression analysis. The results showed small effects of mastery level and frequency of smartphone usage on life satisfaction however, sleep disturbances did not support the hypothesis. The multiple regression analysis demonstrated that mastery level has the most contribution to life satisfaction. Furthermore, this study discovered a piece of valuable information on factors that resulted in disturbed sleep which can be utilised for future research. Lastly, limitations and implications from this study and future research recommendations were also included in this paper.
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