
  • Norsuhada binti Kamaludin & Guan Teik Ee Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah



Reasons for Self-Harm, Adolescents, Kota Kinabalu City


Self-harm behavior is a major problem that causes a person to commit suicide. However, the issue of self-harm behavior is an issue that is very rarely discussed by the community in Malaysia. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out the causes of self-harm among 720 adolescents involved in self-harm behavior in Kota Kinabalu City, Sabah. Self-Hurt Assessment was used as a research questionnaire to collect data. The results of the study found that the main reason adolescents harm themselves is "to feel relaxed" (intrapersonal). As many as 22.5% (162) of the adolescents stated that they always commit acts of self-harm because they want to feel relaxed. The second reason is "so that parents can understand me," (interpersonal) which is 17.9% (129) adolescents stated that they harm themselves because they want parents to understand them. While the third reason for harming oneself has two, namely "to do something while alone and" to be like someone I respect. " Both of these items are interpersonal factors, each comprising 12.5% with a total of 90 students. The findings of this study have implications for agencies that provide services to adolescents. These agencies can provide programs that teach adolescents how to channel emotions well because adolescents today are the pillars of the country of the future.


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