
  • Winy Nila Wisudawati, & Riblita Damayanti Universitas Mercu Buana



Resilience, Stress, Student Companion, Distance Learning


During the Covid-19 pandemic there were various policies related to the implementation of the learning system in Indonesia, such as requiring the learning process of students nationally to do online. This situation makes parents feel stressed while the child is studying at home. Stress is an individual response to the stimulus of uncomfortable conditions, problems, threats and pressures both within oneself and from the environment that can affect health and cause sociological responses, emotional reactions, behavioral reactions and cognitive assessments. Every individual, including parents who help and accompany children during distant learning, need to carry out an adaptation process. In this adaptation process, there’s a people who are able to survive and recover from negative conditions or situations and some who fail in dealing with changes in themselves and the environment. Resilience is the ability of each individual to face, handle, solve, survive, adapt and overcome all problems that arise in any difficult situation. This study aims to determine the description of resilience and stress on assistants during distance learning in Pagedangan Village, Tangerang. 294 respondents in this study were distance learning companions of students who were selected using non-probability sampling techniques with the convenience method. Measurements were made using the comparative causal method with linear regression techniques. Based on analysis test, the result shows that there is a significant effect of resilience on stress on student companions during distance learning.


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