
  • Tan Ben Dan, Noraini Said & Nur Suhaidah Sukor Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah




Type, Speaking Anxiety, FLCAS


This study aims to investigate the difference in English-speaking anxiety levels with different personality types among middle school students, employing a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The participants comprised third-grade middle school students in Jinjiang District, Chengdu, China, with a sample size of 370 students. Two instrumental tests, namely the personality type test and the English-speaking anxiety level test, were conducted for data analysis. The E-scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) was used to determine students' personality types, while the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) questionnaire assessed their anxiety levels. The results revealed a significant difference in the level of English-speaking anxiety between introverted and extroverted students, F(4,365) = 5.363, p < .05. The English-speaking anxiety of introverted students is lower than that of extroverted students. Based on the characteristics of students' personalities, it is recommended that educators adopt instructional approaches such as promoting cooperative learning, providing moderate error correction, offering moderate attention to students, and enhancing guidance on learning strategies to mitigate
speaking anxiety in students. However, it is crucial to note that the study's scope is confined to middle schools in Jinjiang District, limiting its applicability to students in other regions of China.


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