
  • Erna Risnawati Universitas Mercu Buana



Adolescent, Father Involvement, Psychological Well-Being, Developmental Psychology


This research aims to determine the factors that can play a role in development of psychological well-being in adolescents. Recent research development shows that the role of the father is very important in the parenting process to minimize negative parenting, develop responsibility, autonomy, and resilience in facing the challenges, and guide how the child gives a positive or negative evaluation of himself. This research used quantitative correlational and used purposive sampling with 153 adolesence (12-15 years old) who own and live with their fathers. The instrument used in this study are Psychological Well-being Scale (PWB) by Ryff and Father Involvement scale developed by the researcher. The analysis technique used is the spearman correlation. The result show value (p = 0.514 and p <0.05), meaning that there is a significant relationship between Father Involvement and Psychological well-being in adolescents.


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