
  • Fajar Kasyifil Aziz & Amy Mardhatillah Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana




Switching Behavior, Push Pull Mooring Models, & Online Customer


This study aims to determine intention to switch with Push-Pull Mooring Models (PPM) on users and potential buyers of converse shoes among college students, who bought the product through e-business. The research sample consists of 131 users of converse brand, and 100 non-users of Converse shoes, but willing to try Converse shoes. The design of this research is quantitative.
Comparative analysis between users and potentials buyers of Converse shoes found that, service quality as push factor (negative factors from the current product) is the highest mean score to be considered by current as well as potential users. With regard to the mooring factors (psychological and environmental factors), involuntary choice is an important factor to be considered by potential
buyers and switching cost for the current customers. Results in the present study address that, psychological and environmental factors are the important factors that lead to switching intention among buyers and potential users of Converse shoes. In addition, mooring factor shows more significant correlation with push factors than the pull factors, for both current and potentials customers. Implication for the present study is that, to avoid switching behavior among current users, Converse management need to ensure that the mooring factors and push factors does not successfully encourage current users migrating to another brand. To encourage switching behavior among the future buyer, converse management need to create diverse opportunity for the involuntary choice programs.


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