Learning Agility, Leadership Skills, & EmployeeAbstract
The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between learning agility and leadership skills among motorcycle tire company X employees in Indonesia. There were 149 respondents with a minimum position is Team Leader selected through purposive sampling. The instruments of this research consist of 34 items for learning agility (De Meuse, 2015) with α = .868 and 16 items for leadership skills (Katz, 1955) with α = .796. Data analysis uses descriptive statistics and inference analysis. The result showed a positive and significant relationship between learning agility and leadership skills (r = .619, p < .05). It means that the higher the learning agility an employee has, the higher his leadership skills. On the other hand, there is a positive and significant relationship between self-insight and leadership skills (r = .577, p < .05), as well as interpersonal acumen and human skill (r = .541, p < .05).
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