
  • Jephte Sompud
  • Emily A. Gilbert
  • Cynthia B. Sompud




Anthropogenic noise, avian community, bird’s population, acoustic communication


This review addresses the impacts of the noise, the vital role of acoustic communication and the response of the bird in overcoming the increased anthropogenic noise. The rapid development human activities nowadays induce the noise that interrupt the acoustic communication of birds. Disturbance of the signals transmission causes detrimental impact on the birds as they are highly depending on the acoustic communication for their survival, territory defense and reproduction. Continuous exposure of the noise then results in the declination of species richness of which have been stated by several past studies. Although most of the studies stated that the negative impact as a consequences from the anthropogenic noise, however there is positive effect contributed by the noise of which are also recorded in other studies. Moreover, the impacts other variables such as vegetation density that cause major changes to the bird population as compared to noise have also been highlighted in several studies. This indicates that considering several influencing factor is important in measuring impact that leads to the changes that occur within the bird population. Thus, in depth studies on the impacts of anthropogenic noise towards the species of birds by taking into account other contributing variables is important to enable the noise management to be conducted effectively especially in development areas as way in conserving the biodiversity of the bird population.


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