paper wastes, beddings, Eudrilus eugeniae, vermicompost, nutrient contentAbstract
Paper waste is one of many wastes produced by men leading to more landfill spaces to dispose of them. Improper management of wastes can become a nuisance and can become a source of pollution and environmental degradation. This research aimed to determine the effect of different paper wastes (white paper, newspaper, and brown paper) as bedding materials on the efficiency of vermicomposting and nutrient content of the vermicompost. Vermicompost substrates (cow dung, vegetable waste and waste paper) were digested using earthworms (Eudrilus eugeniae) for up to 68 days and were assessed across physical (temperature and weight loss) and chemical parameters (pH, macro- and micro-nutrients content). The vermicompost gave pH values ranging from 7.9 to 9.9 for different paper beddings. The temperature in all vermicompost piles averaged 26 to 34˚C, while
weight losses were recorded at 26 to 38%. Chemical analyses of all vermicompost substrates showed no significant difference for N, P, Fe, Cu and Mg contents. In contrast, the C:N ratio, K, Na, Ca, Zn and Mn of the vermicompost products were significantly different (P<0.05). Although vermicomposting using newspaper bedding recorded the shortest period to mature with most nutrient contents suitable for application on plants, the Cu content was too high, suggesting that the amount of newspaper used as bedding should be reduced and substituted with other organic substances such as crop residues. Vermicomposting using paper wastes as beddings for earthworm (E. eugeniae) shows a good potential of producing vermicompost that can be used as a soil amendment.
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