
  • Hashim A R
  • Kamaruddin S A
  • Abd. Aziz K N
  • Roslani M A
  • Ahmad Nasir N A H
  • Zainol Z E
  • Shuhaime N
  • Hamid H A
  • Mat Nazir E N
  • Che-Zulkifli C I



Kuala Perlis, total suspended solids, water pollution, spatiotemporal study


Rivers are vital water sources for human existence and environmental health.
Due to freshwater scarcity, monitoring river water quality is crucial, especially concerning
total suspended solids (TSS), which pose potential risks to health and the environment.
Despite this importance, there is a lack of assessment of spatiotemporal TSS variation in
Malaysia, particularly in Sungai Kuala Perlis. This study aims to evaluate spatial-temporal
TSS variations in the surface water of Kuala Perlis, Perlis. Sampling points were GPS recorded in December 2021. Five sites were established for morning, afternoon, and
evening sampling. Water samples were collected and subjected to gravimetric analysis using
the American Public Health Assessment (APHA) standard. ANOVA (p=0.05) in SPSS
version 26 found TSS ranges of 110.67 mg/L -177.67 mg/L, 27.67 mg/L – 132 mg/L, and 78
mg/L – 304.67 mg/L for morning, afternoon, and evening, respectively. Surprisingly, no
significant mean TSS differences were found for temporal (p>0.05) or spatial (p>0.05)
variations. Factors influencing TSS variation such as water flow, salinity, and
anthropogenic activities, were discussed. These findings inform researchers, governments,
and NGOs for future planning in Kuala Perlis, promoting river health and eco-friendly


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