Erosion, GIS, Kundasang, Soil loss, RUSLE modelAbstract
Soil erosion poses a significant environmental issue in Kundasang, Sabah, which is situated in the highlands and is recognized for its soil erosion challenges. The natural forces of water gradually wear away the topsoil of fields, leading to soil erosion. This phenomenon is often exacerbated by various triggering factors such as agricultural practices, deforestation, and unsustainable development. The region is particularly noted for its temperate vegetable cultivation. This study aimed to spatially estimate potential soil loss or erosion using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model. The RUSLE model incorporates six parameters, all expressed quantitatively in an equation to calculate soil erosion for a specific area. These parameters include rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility factor (K), slope length and steepness factor (LS), cultivation and management factor (C), and conservation support practice factor (P). The analysis leverages databases of soil types, topography, land use, and precipitation. The results indicate that only 3.11% (271.92 ha) and 0.72% (62.51 ha) of the study area is categorized as having high and very high erosion potential, respectively.
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