
  • Shekinah Shamini Victor
  • Khomaizon Abdul Kadir Pahirulzaman



Aphanomyces astaci, crayfish plague, crustacean disease, redclaw crayfish


The crayfish plague, caused by Aphanomyces astaci, represents a serious threat to redclaw crayfish populations in Malaysia. This review examines the distribution of redclaw crayfish, the incidence of crayfish plague, and insights into its diagnosis. Previous research has established that A. astaci is the primary agent behind crayfish plague in both Asia and Europe. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of these biological threats, including A. astaci and other infections, is vital for protecting the redclaw crayfish industry. Implementing effective diagnosis and management strategies is crucial for preserving crayfish populations and ensuring the industry's sustainability. It is important to recognize that fungal plagues, like those caused by A. astaci, often show few symptoms until significant mortality occurs. Additional research is necessary to grasp the complex immune system of crayfish and to investigate potential therapeutic measures for managing inflammation. Collaboration and data sharing among researchers studying crayfish across different regions would significantly enhance progress in this field.


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