Pengetahuan Teknologi Pedagogi Kandungan (PTPK), instrumen PTPK, siswa pendidik, Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia. ~ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TPACK, TPACK instrument, educator student, Institute of Teacher Training Malaysia.Abstract
Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) semakin meluas penggunaannya dalam proses pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan (PdPc) pada abad ke-21. Cabaran ini menuntut guru agar lebih kompeten dalam melaksanakan PdPC secara optimal dengan mengintegrasikan TMK. Konsep Pengetahuan Teknologi Pedagogi Kandungan (PTPK) telah dijadikan sebagai asas kajian berkaitan pengintegrasian TMK oleh guru dalam PdPc. PTPK dalam kalangan siswa pendidik di Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) sangat penting bagi memastikan PdPc berjalan dengan efektif apabila mereka keluar sebagai guru profesional. Namun, didapati instrumen PTPK yang berdasarkan konteks Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan masih kurang. Makalah ini bertujuan membincangkan sorotan literatur tentang instrumen yang memenuhi ciri-ciri psikometrik PTPK siswa pendidik IPG. Artikel ini mengupas beberapa perkara yang merangkumi model PTPK, Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (PISMP) di IPG, perihal instrumen pengukuran yang digunakan untuk mengukur PTPK, perihal Standard Guru Malaysia dan teori-teori pengukuran.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is widely used in learning and facilitating process (PdPc) in the 21st century. This challenges requires teachers to be more competent in implementing PdPC optimally by integrating ICT. The concept of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PTPK) has been used as the basis of the study in the integration of ICT by teachers in PdPc. PTPK is very important among educators at the Teacher Education Institute (IPG) to ensure that PdPc works effectively when they graduated as professional teachers. However, it is found that the PTPK instrument based on the National Education Philosophy is still lacking. This paper aims to discuss literature review about the instruments that fulfill the psychometric properties of PTPK IPG educators. This paper examines some of the issues that include the PTPK Concept Framework, the measurement instrument used to measure PTPK, the description of the development model of the measuring instrument, and measurement theories.
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