Freytag Pyramid, struktur plot, filem animasi, Malaysia, Seefood ~ Freytag Pyramid, plot structure, feature animated film, Seefood.Abstract
Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, beberapa bidang turut mengalami perubahan khususnya dalam industri penerbitan animasi dunia. Pengaplikasian teknologi masa kini tidak menjamin penghasilan produk filem yang berkualiti, sebaliknya bergantung kepada penceritaan yang menarik. Sejajar dengan itu, kajian terhadap struktur plot pada filem animasi Malaysia dilakukan dalam memberi gambaran terhadap struktur plot filem animasi di Malaysia. Gustav Freytag (1863) telah memperkenalkan model yang menekankan kepada elemen dramatik dalam struktur plot yang dikenali sebagai Five Act Structure. Elemen-elemen ini terdiri daripada exposition, rising action, klimaks, falling action dan denouement. Setiap satu diwakili sebagai tindakan di dalam sebuah karya. Pengkaji menggunakan pendekatan Freytag Pyramid dalam menganalisis struktur plot dalam filem animasi Seefood (2012). Sebelum melakukan analisis, pengkaji terlebih dahulu memecahkan cerita kepada adegan-adegan menggunakan Frame Accurate Cinemetrics Tool (FACT) bagi memudahkan proses mengenal pasti jumlah adegan dan syot yang terdapat dalam filem animasi tersebut. Seterusnya, pendekatan model Freytag Pyramid digunakan bagi mendapatkan gambar rajah struktur plot secara terperinci. Kajian terhadap struktur plot yang terdapat dalam filem animasi Seefood diharapkan dapat membantu pembikin filem animasi akan datang menggarap sebuah penceritaan yang mampu menyaingi filem cereka animasi antarabangsa.
Along with the technology developments, some areas also witnessing the changes especially in the publishing of animation industry worldwide. However, that alone would not be sufficient in ensuring a high quality film because narration also plays a vital role. Therefore, a study of the plot structure in the Malaysian animated film is needed in order to give an overview of its plot structure. In 1863, Gustav Freytag introduced a model that emphasized the dramatic element in the plot structure known as the Five Act Structure. These elements consists of exposition, rising action, climax, and denouement. The researcher used the FreyTag Pyramid approach in analyzing the plot stucture in the animated film Seefood (2012). Before conducting the analysis, the researchers first breaks down the story to scenes using the Frame Accurate Cinemetrics Tool (FACT) to identify the number of scenes and shots that were present in the animated film. Next, the Freytag Pyramid model approach is used to obtain a detailed diagram of the plot structure. The Freytag Pyramid elements present in the animated film Seefood was able to create tension thus helped the narration to expand and provide the audience with a variety of actions which brought excitement to the audience. A wellplanned and suitable plot structure with the support of narrative elements to create a narrative material is able to attract the attention of the audience and influence the acceptance of the audience thus producing a successful animation film. It is hoped that through the research of plot structure in the Malaysian animated film Seefood, the animation filmakers are able to produce a narration that could compete in the international level.
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