Masyarakat Bidayuh, migrasi, penempatan, Bidayuh community, migration, settlementAbstract
ABSTRAK Jika dibandingkan dengan masyarakat lain di Sarawak, masyarakat Bidayuh adalah yang keempat terbesar mendiami Sarawak setelah Iban, Cina dan Melayu. Dahulunya masyarakat Bidayuh dikenali sebagai Land Dayak atau Hill Dayak. Objektif artikel ini adalah meninjau proses migrasi dan perkembangan penempatan masyarakat Bidayuh di antara tempoh tahun 1400 hingga 1840. Data kajian ini terdiri daripada data primer dan data sekunder, yang mana analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi ATLAS.ti dengan merujuk kepada kata kunci yang telah ditetapkan. Dapatan kajian membuktikan bahawa kegiatan migrasi masyarakat Bidayuh yang berlaku daripada tahun 1400-1840 ternyata menjurus ke bahagian pedalaman khususnya ke bahagian hulu atau ke kawasan pergunungan. Migrasi ini berlaku disebabkan beberapa faktor seperti ancaman lanun dan kaum lain yang lebih kuat, penindasan, mengelakkan daripada diperhambakan dan keganasan yang dilakukan terhadap masyarakat tersebut. Masyarakat Bidayuh diandaikan berasal dari Kalimantan Indonesia dan bermigrasi ke Bahagian Kuching dan Bahagian Samarahan. Setelah bermigrasi lebih kurang 600 tahun lalu, kawasan petempatan masyarakat Bidayuh semakin berkembang sehingga ke Bahagian Miri, Sibu dan Bintulu.
ABSTRACT When compared to other communities in Sarawak, the Bidayuh community is the fourth largest inhabiting Sarawak after the Iban, Chinese and Malays. In the past, the Bidayuh community was known as Land Dayak or Hill Dayak. The objective of this paper is to survey the migration process and settlement development of the Bidayuh community between the years 1400 to 1840. The data of this study consists of primary data and secondary data, which analysis is carried out using the ATLAS.ti application with reference to the keywords that have been set . The findings of the study proved that the migration activities of the Bidayuh community that took place from 1400-1840 turned out to be directed to the interior, especially to the upstream or to the mountainous areas. This migration occurred due to several factors such as the threat of pirates and other stronger races, oppression, avoiding enslavement and violence against the community. The Bidayuh community is assumed to originate from Kalimantan Indonesia and migrated to Kuching Division and Samarahan Division. After migrating approximately 600 years ago, the Bidayuh community's settlement area is expanding to Miri, Sibu and Bintulu Divisions.
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