emotional labor, persepsi sokongan organisasi, pemimpin, kepimpinan, kesatuan sekerja, perceived of organizational support, leaders, leadership, trade unionsAbstract
Kajian ini menilai pengaruh persepsi sokongan organisasi terhadap emotional labor dalam kalangan pemimpin kesatuan sekerja di Sabah. Persepsi sokongan organisasi berperanan menilai tahap persepsi pemimpin kesatuan agar berasa dihargai oleh organisasi atas komitmen yang disumbangkan bagi tujuan menjaga hak pekerja menerusi kesatuan sekerja. Emotional labor pula adalah peraturan yang diekspresikan oleh pemimpin melalui bentuk emosi dan tingkah laku dalam memimpin ahli kesatuan sekerja yang dibahagikan kepada dimensi surface acting, deep acting dan genuine emotion. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan menilai pengaruh persepsi sokongan organisasi terhadap emotional labor dalam konteks kepimpinan kesatuan sekerja. Kajian ini melibatkan 162 orang pemimpin atau ahli jawatankuasa tertinggi daripada 23 kesatuan sekerja di Sabah. Analisis regresi mudah digunakan untuk menganalisis data bagi tujuan menilai pengaruh persepsi sokongan organisasi terhadap emotional labor. Hasil kajian mendapati persepsi sokongan organisasi hanya mempengaruhi emotional labor melalui genuine emotion. Oleh itu, wujud faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi emotional labor melalui surface acting dan deep acting dalam kalangan pemimpin kesatuan. Sehubungan dengan itu, kepimpinan kesatuan sekerja yang berusaha menjaga “hak pekerja” ahli kesatuan seharusnya selari dengan matlamat organisasi.
This study evaluates the influence of perceived of organizational support on emotional labor among trade union leaders in Sabah. The
perceived of organizational support plays a role in assessing the level of perceived union leaders in feeling valued by the organization for their commitment that they have contributed for the purpose of safeguarding the employee's/workers’ rights through trade unions. While emotional labor is a rule expressed by leaders through the form of emotions and behaviors in leading their union members which are divided into the dimensions that consist of surface acting, deep acting, and genuine emotion. Therefore, this study/research aimed to evaluate the influence of perceived of organizational support on emotional labor in the context of trade union leadership. This study involved 162 leaders or members of the highest committee from 23 trade unions in Sabah. Linear regression analysis was used to analyze the data for the purpose of assessing the influence of perceived organizational support on labor emotional. The results of the study found that perceived organizational support only affects emotional labor through genuine emotion. Thus, there are other factors that influence emotional labor through surface acting and deep acting among union leaders. Therefore, trade union leadership that strives to safeguard the “employee rights” of union members should be in line with the goals of the organization.
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