
  • Asilatul Hanaa Abdullah


Bugis, historical literature, political structure, Bissu, religious practices.


This study explores the rich cultural heritage of the Bugis people, an ethnic group from South Sulawesi, with a focus on their historical literature, religious beliefs, and the role of the Bissu in their society. The Bugis' historical literature, encompassing various forms such as myths, legends, and historical narratives, is essential for understanding their governance, religious beliefs, and social structures. This literature reflects the Bugis' deep connection to mystical sciences and the integration of everyday rituals with their belief in ancestors (toriolo). The Bissu, gender-neutral religious leaders, play a crucial role in maintaining the cultural and spiritual fabric of Bugis society, bridging the gap between the human and divine realms. They are involved in significant rituals, including royal ceremonies and agricultural rites, and are respected for their mystical abilities and knowledge of traditions. The document also discusses the political and social significance of genealogy and marriage alliances among the Bugis nobility, the impact of Hindu and Buddhist ideologies on Bugis culture, and the historical context of the La Galigo era, which marks a turning point in the history of South Sulawesi royalty. The Bissu's role in contemporary Bugis society, though evolved, remains a vital link to their ancient customs and traditions.

Author Biography

Asilatul Hanaa Abdullah

College of Creative Arts,
UiTM Shah Alam. 


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How to Cite

Asilatul Hanaa Abdullah. (2024). BEYOND BINARY: GENDER FLUIDITY IN BUGIS TRADITIONAL PANTHEISM . Jurnal Kinabalu, 30, 124–142. Retrieved from
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