
  • Tan Chin Keng Department of Quantity Surveying, Kulliyyah of Architecture & Environmental Design International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Amalin Sofia Ismail Department of Quantity Surveying, Kulliyyah of Architecture & Environmental Design International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Yeoh Kah Ching Department of Business and IT, New Era University College



construction, projects, delays, causes


Project delays are referred to a situation where the project is not completed within the schedule. Projects can be delayed for a large number of reasons and usually will contribute to the cost and time overruns. Project delays are considered as one of the common problems in the construction industry and usually, causing negative effects on the project in terms of performance, time and cost. In relation to the construction projects in Malaysia, the objectives of the study are as to identify the factors causing project delays and to suggest solutions to reduce project delays. The researcher conducted three (3) semi-structured interviews to collect data to achieve the objectives. The interview sessions were conducted among three contractors chosen from different companies to access about their experience involving the project delays. The respondents were requested to comment to the factors for project delays and to suggest approaches for overcoming the problems of project delays. The research findings indicate that financial constraints, delay in subcontractors’ works and improper project planning are the major causes of project delays. The findings of the research suggest that manage financial resources efficiently, clients to pay progress payment to contractors on time, effective communication between contractors and labours, motivate labours through proper training, and proper project planning can help to reduce project delays.


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How to Cite

Chin Keng, T., Ismail, A. S., & Kah Ching, Y. (2020). PRELIMARY STUDIES OF DELAYS IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE), (2).
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