gender discrimination, job stress, turnover intention, woman workersAbstract
The study explores Pakistani working women’s perceptions on gender discrimination and identifies a knowledge gap about how women are treated unfairly in positions of power. The study also focuses on the relationship of gender discrimination with job stress and how the productivity of the firms is reduced which results in employee intention to quit the organization. It further investigates the mediating role of job stress between gender discrimination and employee turnover intention. A total of 268 questionnaires were used. Based on quantitative research approach, the data analysis was done by using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 and Smart PLS software version 3.0. Bootstrapping was used on the statistical data, which showed a mediating effect between gender discrimination, employee turnover intention and job stress. The software was used to assess convergent validity, discriminant validity, cross loading and hypotheses. The results interestingly highlights that all 3 hypotheses were significantly correlated at 1% significant level. In addition, results indicated that gender discrimination had a significant influence on employee turnover intention. Companies can lessen gender prejudice by giving female employees equal opportunity. The findings of this study clearly show that prejudice is widespread and is evident in two service sector businesses. Therefore, implementing anti-discriminatory rules was strongly advised in order to enhance the organizational legal foundation.
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