
  • Alhumaidan Abdullah-Abdulaziz University Science of Malaysia



stakeholder theory, CSR, sustainable performance, SMEs, emerging economics


The research is to investigate corporate social responsibility (CSR) practice’s impact on environmental, economic and social performances. Data was collected by a survey, further, the sampling method was a random-probability method since owners and managers of medium and smaller manufacturers have the same chance to fill it. SPSS and PLS were used for analyzing the data. However, findings illustrated that moral activities affect social and ecological outcomes, but, those practices were not shown any influence on the economic outcome for these enterprises, and could be attributed to the tough economic challenges that the country has faced. This study provided some suggestions for future researchers to understand these domains broadly besides overcoming the limitations of the research.

Author Biography

Alhumaidan Abdullah-Abdulaziz, University Science of Malaysia

School of Management,

Universiti Sains Malaysia,

Penang, Malaysia


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How to Cite

Alhumaidan Abdullah-Abdulaziz. (2023). THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE), 9(2), 18 –.
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