E-servicescap, E-servicescape dimensions, customer behaviour, virtual environment, online shopping, systematic reviewAbstract
This paper aims to systematically review the development of the literature on e-servicescape conceptualization and its impacts on customers. It also aims to analyze the research gap and future direction of e-servicescape studies. A systematic review and analysis were conducted on 38 e-servicescape studies published between 2004 and 2021. It presented the description and analysis of the context and dimensions of e-servicescape, research methods and theoriesof e-servicescape studies, and impacts oncustomers by e-servicescape perspectives. Thefuture development of the conceptualizationof e-servicescape is also presented. Thispaper is the first systematic review of theconcept of e-servicescape. It aims to stimulateresearchers to explore more dimensions of thee-servicescape for emerging topics and involvemore digital and virtual atmospherics.
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