HRM practices, career satisfaction, turnover intention, manufacturing sector, emerging countryAbstract
Staff turnover is costly to organizations and often has a relationship with human resource management (HRM) practices and career satisfaction. However, based on the literature, the relationship between these three is unclear, especially in emerging countries. This study investigates the relationship between HRM practices, career satisfaction, and turnover intention among employees in the manufacturing sector in an emerging country. 71 employees responded to 49-item online questionnaires. Using Partial Least Square Modelling analysis, the findings show that compensation, training and development, performance appraisal, promotion, and job security significantly affect turnover intention. The results also show that training and development, employee empowerment, and job security have a significant relationship with career satisfaction. Furthermore, career satisfaction has a mediating effect on the relationship between training and development and turnover intention as well as job security and turnover intention. This study has significant contributions to the HRM practitioners in emerging countries.
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