
  • Go, You How
  • Chong, Yee-Lee
  • Lui, Tze-Kiat




m-wallet, e-wallet, mobile payment, emerging markets, technology acceptance model


Our study examines the actual adoption of mobile wallets (m-wallets) in Malaysia, with a particular emphasis on addressing the factors influencing the selection and efficient utilization of this payment method. We concentrate on the globally recognized Alipay and the locally established GrabPay. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the study investigates consumer-centric and technology-related factors and explores the role of Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) as mediators in influencing the actual adoption of m-wallets. To compare Alipay and GrabPay, the data collection is through a survey of 632 responses and utilizing PLS-SEM and Welch's t-test for analysis. Our findings highlight the significant impact of compatibility on actual adoption, mediated by both PEOU and PU. However, personal innovativeness, mobile payment knowledge, and self-efficacy are found to have a relatively minor effect on actual adoption. GrabPay exhibits higher convenience and compatibility compared to Alipay, while personal innovativeness shows similar patterns for both platforms. Self-efficacy consistently influences adoption for both m-wallets. As compatibility is identified as the most crucial factor leading to m-wallet adoption, it is advisable for m-wallet service providers to offer a variety of services tailored to accommodate the diverse lifestyles of consumers.

Author Biographies

Go, You How

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Kampar, Perak. 

Chong, Yee-Lee

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Kampar, Perak.

Lui, Tze-Kiat

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Kampar, Perak.


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How to Cite

Go, You How, Chong, Yee-Lee, & Lui, Tze-Kiat. (2024). EXPLORING THE MEDIATING EFFECT OF PERCEIVED EASE OF USE AND PERCEIVED USEFULNESS ON ACTUAL ADOPTION OF MOBILE WALLETS IN MALAYSIA. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE), 11(1). https://doi.org/10.51200/mjbe.v11i1.5290
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