Environmental attitude, environmental concern, mediator, sustainable food consumption, university students, Malaysia.Abstract
Sustainable food consumption (SFC) stands as a critical solution to address the urgent global challenges posed by food security, environmental degradation, and public health concerns. Amidst issues like climate change and resource depletion, transitioning to sustainable food systems becomes imperative for safeguarding the well-being of current and future generations. This study aims to investigate the impact of environmental attitudes and environmental concerns on SFC intention among Malaysian university students. Additionally, the research seeks to examine the mediating role of environmental attitude in the relationship between environmental concern and SFC intention. Utilizing structural equation modelling in SPSS AMOS, the findings reveal significant positive influences of both environmental attitude and environmental concern on SFC intention. Environmental attitude is found to partially mediate the relationship between environmental concern and SFC intention. Fostering positive environmental attitudes and increasing environmental concern among individuals can encourage the adoption of SFC practices, contributing to mitigating environmental degradation and promoting a healthier planet for future generations. This study contributes to academia by providing empirical evidence on the determinants of SFC intention among Malaysian university students, filling a gap in the literature on SFC in the Malaysian context. It provides insights for policymakers, highlighting the significance of addressing psychological factors to promote SFC behaviours among youth. Practitioners can utilize these findings to design targeted interventions and educational campaigns, fostering environmentally conscious attitudes and behaviours among consumers.
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